Sunday, July 6, 2008


Granny, Matt and Jill on Tashmoo Beach, Martha's Vinyard, MA.

Matt & Granny looking for treasure on the beach.

Mat regressing and building a sand castle like the ones he used to build in Belfast Maine.

Just a great day with Matt, Beth and the kids. They are so accommodating to us old folks.

Went to Nancy's in Oak Bluffs for dinner, had a Dark & Stormy, Gosling's Black Rum and Ginger Beer with Lemon, visions back to Bermuda in years past.

Had a great day up here at the Vineyard. Went to Tashmoo beach, very remote. Took Jill out for her 7'th birthday and had Pizza for lunch. Matt Granny & I were with the kids this AM doing some crabbing with squid. After an hour the squid really starts to stink. And what did we have for an appetizer for dinner, calamari!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear's Sams Schedule for tomorrow, Duck. And I don't mean the Outer Banks.

2012 Schedule

July 7th, 2008
0430 Reveille
0430 - 0600 PT
0600 - 0700 Hygiene
0700 - 0800 Breakfast
0800 - 1200 Morning Activities
Flight Drill
Honor Lesson
Weapon Issue
Proxy Card Processing
Uniform Fitting
1200 - 1330 Noon Formation and Lunch
1330 - 1730 Afternoon Activities
Flight Drill
Honor Lesson
Weapon Issue
Proxy Card Processing
Uniform Fitting
1730 - 1830 Dinner
1830 - 1930 Change/Form-up for Intramurals
1930 - 2030 Intramurals
2030 - 2100 Transit
2100 - 2200 Hygiene
2200 TAPS

OK, you see what there doing in the AM & PM, issuing weapons, now that's one scary happening. Samantha can be dangerous with a can opener. Oh well, trust in the Lord and the United States Air Force. And who is this Giene they say Hy to two times a day. Is this some Cult thinggy or what?

Had a great day up here at the Vineyard. Went to Cashmoo beach, very remote. Took Jill out for her 7'th birthday and had Pizza for lunch. Matt Granny & I were with the kids this AM doing some crabbing with squid. After an hour the squid really starts to stink. And what did we have for an appetizer for dinner, calamari!!!!!!!!!!!!

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