Friday, August 14, 2015

Zurich, the Marshall Islands ,Mississippi and other things.


Thomas Palmer, our soon to be 16 year old grandson departed Phiadelphia International Airport  last Wednesday for Zurich, Switzerland. Tommy would be spending a two week holiday with his friend Phillip at his home in Uberlingen, Germany. Phillip is an exchange student at The Salisbury School, he and Tommy have been good friends for the past two years. Phillip will return to Salisbury later this month to complete his senior year.
A montage of Zurich.

Uberlingen, Germany, which sits on Lake Constance.

Lake Constance with the Alps as a backdrop.
If your ever traveling south through the state of Delaware and need a change from Rts. 1 or 13, try Rt.9.
A scenic rural ride through the country and along the Delaware awaits the traveler. This is a view of the Salem, NJ nuclear
power plant from the road.

Our nephew Johnny Mears and his girlfriend Miley. These two hardy soles transported Abby's little red Mazda to Starkville, MS for her. Johnny recently left his job at
If you need something shipped, try them out.
One last trek to Mississippi gave them a chance to visit Nashville on the way home. Johnny started with this past Monday. Best of luck in the new job and thanks from Uncle Jeff for the transport south.

Someone's been spitting Watermelon seeds in our yard.

Untether me please. Colonel Sanders is calling.
Sam, that would be Samantha Davies. She is a wife, mother of two, active duty USAF Lieutenant and a very busy young lady. She has had her own Blogs in the past and now finds herself with little time to Blog on her own. So, in a cooperative venture she will have her own corner in "The Rooster." Earlier this week she sent me the below post to include here. Sam, thanks for contributing to "The Rooster." And from all of us here in Rooster Country, Thank you for your service.

Sam's Corner

From the Author of:

Cowboy Boots, Combat Boots, Baby Booties

Mia Davies announcing to the world,"I'm going to have a baby brother and he's due 10 days before Santa comes."
It's a Thursday afternoon at 5:30 and I'm still sitting at work, I'm usually home by this time, and I have to pick up the kiddos by 6:00 or I get charged extra. As I sit here working on my daughter's family board for her classroom (probably first of many school projects I will complete) I realize all I want to do tonight is make a warm bath and watch stupid TV. I don't want to wear the mom hat, the wife hat, or any other hat. I just want to be.

I finally leave the office at 5:45 and make it in time to pick up the girls. I stop by Ana's room, sign her out, and turn to see her walking towards me saying "Mamamama." This is a first and makes my day a little better. We walk down the hall and pick up Mia. She greets me with a hug, kiss, and "Hey Mommy!" She then turns to her sister and gives her a kiss. We wave goodbye to the teachers and play where's mommy's car. Mia proudly finds the car on her first try and walks and stands patiently next to her door. She hops into her car seat and buckles her chest strap as I buckle the bottom. I put Ana in her seat and we drive home. Halfway home I catch something in the rear view mirror. As I watch I see it again and realize what it is, a goldfish. Just before I tell Mia to stop throwing her food, I tilt the mirror and realize she's throwing them into Ana's lap so Ana can have some too. Quickly I switch gears and commend Mia on sharing with her sister.

We get home, eat dinner, and I give the girls a bath. As I get Ana ready for bed Mia walks over says "Gnigh Nana" and follows it with a kiss. I trudge through cleaning up dinner, some laundry, and sorting through clothes while Mia plays and colors. It's finally bed time for Mia, time for the space I've been looking forward too since 5:30. Mia snuggles in and I start a bath for myself.
Within 10 minutes of getting to the bath, I hear "Mommy? Mama? Where is you?" She eventually wanders in, proceeds to strip her PJs and diaper off and hops into the tub with me (thank goodness it is a jacuzzi tub). She gives my belly a kiss and says "I lau you baby."

I realized at that moment, this was a perfect way to end my crazy day of work. I didn't need the bath or stupid shows or even alone time. I needed to be reminded of the love and innocence of my children and the role they play in my life. They are my rock. They will never understand how much they help me get through those crummy days until they have kids of their own. It was in that moment that I learned that parents need their kids far more than our kids need us. They keep us honest. It was a night I could have easily turned on Sesame Street for Mia and taken a few moments for myself, but I stayed true to my responsibilities and was rewarded tenfold for it in the end.

Driving South

All roads to Mississippi lead through Atlanta.

I'd be willing to bet Jeff selected this eatery for lunch.

No Jeff, they will not deliver to Allen, MD.

Anyone wish to estimate calories?

Our little Magnolia is back home. Have a great year Abby.
Go Dawgs.

And the season begins, missed you.
I'll be cheering for the two teams below again this season. Granny even watches a bit of the night games. Most nights she sees the kickoff and I give her a wrap up over coffee the next morning.

Where in the World is JB?
They must be important, they even have a Facebook page. Put your Mosquito spray on Jeff we don't want you contracting

We just love Jeff to death. He's like a giant magnet when ever we're in the area.
Come on guys, we drink tonight.

Are you over the age of 50?

Here's something to think about.

I received this from Mary Agnes’ cousin Joe Maloney

On the subject of Colonoscopies…

Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite humorous. A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:

  1. Take it easy Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before.
  2. 'Find Amelia Earhart yet?'
  3. 'Can you hear me NOW?'
  4. 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'
  5 'You know, in Arkansas, we're now legally married.'
  6. 'Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?'
  7. 'You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out...'
  8. 'Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!'
  9. 'If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!'
  10. 'Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.'
  11. 'You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?'
  12. 'God, now I know why I am not gay'

  And the best one of all:

  13.  'Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?’

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