Friday, August 28, 2015

Late in August

Changing of the guard at the Allen Post Office

The Allen, MD post office as it exists today.


Dorothee Taylor the PPIC, that's Postal Person in Charge, hands over the keys to the new PPIC, Maria Dykes (PPIC is a position to save the Government money).  Dorothee has been a part time Postal employee for over 17 years. She will now, after serving her 17 year apprenticeship become a full time employee at another Zip Code. God Bless and safe passage in your career to Post Master General.  Maria, welcome from one of the past named RPIA's. Ask Dorothee.

This is what is known as the chair of honor. Two locals, Bob Kambarn and Lee Bynum can often be found sitting here chit chatting about this and that. As for me, I usually stood, leaning on the addressing counter much like an old cowboy back in the Saloon. Hey, there's a thought. put in a keg for a cold one now and then. The other day I found John Culp sitting there. He never had time to do that prior to his retirement.  Perhaps we will add one member to the RPIA's. Much information is taken in and disseminated from this chair as residents come and retrieve their mail, or conduct general business. Little is said or written about our rural post offices and the part they play in small villages and towns throughout our United States. There is no Barber Shop in Allen but this chair serves the same verbal banter as does the old Barber chair. Many a canine make a daily trek to the Post Office with their masters during the day. It has been a normal sight to see our PPIC down on the floor scratching a canine belly during the day. The hours have been cut for the rural Post Offices. They still serve as a bank for the rural poor, issuing Money Orders and sending the written word for those who still know how to do it.

When our resident Postal Matriarch of 35 years, Mary Lee Kolb retired, we thought the end was at hand for 21810.  Mrs. Kolb was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson, that was when presidents made all Post Master appointments. Mrs. Kolb was also a Notary Public and provided this service to all in the community. She was a Banker, a scribe and translator and a confidant to all. This woman heard all and tattled not, much like the Priest in the confessional, her lips were sealed.  Mary Lee Kolb was a true believer in HIPPA long before it's day.  In addition to playing with the mail, Mrs. Kolb also played the Organ in the Allen Asbury Methodist Church for almost 79 years. The Rooster was fortunate to have our late organist and her son 'Butch" pound the keys on our Steinway years ago, at both our daughter's weddings. When The Rooster and his Hen bought our first house in Allen, 27 years ago, Mrs Kolb was the first person to welcome us to the village and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Mary Lee Kolb is no longer with us here in Allen. I'm sure when the thunder rolls, she's sorting packages and filling Pigeon Holes way high up above. And when the noon songs chime from the church steeple, those who remember, think of Tutu.
If you're in town, mark the following dates on your calendar. Fire Department Chicken Barbecue, Sept. 5 - Lions Poker Run on the River, Sept. 26, Auxiliary Breakfast, Oct. 3 - Church Bazaar and Festival, Oct 17, 9:00 - 2:00, Allen Historical Society Play, Allen in the Civil War - Oct. 25 - Lions Pit Beef Dinner, Nov. 8


The new bank for rural poor: The post office

Where in the World?

Last weekend on a day off Jeff spent some time fishing. Glad to see he's doing some two handed curls to build up those Core Muscles.

With Kathryn back in the states, the man needed something to cuddle up with. Kathryn, there's something fishy going on here. If all flights are connected with, Jeff should be home when you read this. No sense staying on Waikiki Beach this leg of the journey.

As of this posting, Jeff has made it back to Allen, MD. He is now under a Binky trying to adjust his biological clock.


What people around the world drink when they aren't drinking water.

Mary Agnes, Granny, Ree, Honey or what ever you wish to call her, has this thing about liquid intake. First off, No High Fructose Corn Syrup. Myth or Fact? 

She likes bubbly water without flavors. Drinks tap water with natural squeezed Lemon and loves Poland Spring bottled water.  

Poland Spring logo.PNG

I guess we all have our little quirks about what we drink and don't drink.  Did I mention that on most days Mary Agnes will not turn down a glass of Chardonnay if offered?  Invite her over and try it.

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Sam's Corner/Mia's Corner

Mia Davies has a new special place for reading and Internet solace.



This is an E-3 AWACS sitting on a flight line in SE Asia. This is what Zed flies, that's' Mia and Anna's daddy. I just thought it was a great shot with the sun rising in the back ground. Photo courtesy of USAF.

In Memory

Sunrise courtesy of God

We mourn with the families, friends and teammates of Air Force Tech. Sgt. Timothy A. Officer, Jr., and Tech. Sgt. Marty B. Bettelyoun who died in a training accident in Florida.  

Two airmen killed during parachute training identified

 Army Sgt. 1st Class Corey Hood who died as a result of injuries suffered at the Chicago Air Show.

Golden Knights returning to Fort Bragg after member's death

Capt. Matthew D. Roland, 27, and Staff Sgt. Forrest B. Sibley, 31 were killed when they were at a vehicle checkpoint when two individuals wearing Afghan National Defense and Security Forces uniforms opened fire on them on August 26. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's still an unsafe world out there.

We honor these men for their courage and sacrifice, and our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones. All five warriors were Special Ops veterans.

The real divide in the U.S is that only one percent of us fight in war, and the rest don't understand the true cost of conflict. 

As John Kerry awaits his upcoming Nobel and Obama plans his presidential library (my suggestion: Havana), Putin is deciding how to best exploit the final 17 months of his Obama bonanza. (The end of an Op-Ed by Charles Krauthammer)

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