Monday, June 15, 2015

Where you been Fidd?

So, what many of you didn't know is that I use my toes to type when putting out the blog. Back in April I started having some mobility issues, back and leg pain and such. Being a five time loser to back surgery over the years I just assumed same old, same old. Well, after some visits to the GP and Ortho guys, some X-rays and MRIs it was determined that I had a torn Meniscus in the left knee. No wonder I couldn't use the keyboard.

Finally on June 9, I had a Meniscus repair in Out Patient Surgery. All went well, in at 0530 home by 1100. With Casper and the Hens overseeing my recovery and a peck or two on my ASS, I've got the toes working and we have a fresh edition.

I have been taking a lot of heat on my tardiness and I do apologize. Call it writers block, laziness, summer heat or just no motivation and in a funk. I do hope I'm out of it and have the ball rolling once again. Edmond, I don't know who is worse, you or Katty(sic). Perhaps now I shall be forgiven. God bless you Alexis.

This and That Pictorial

Mia and Anna get some "G" time in Allen, MD

A fund raising quilt for Beth by Mary Agnes.

Corn grows in the shadow of the cross.
The Irish washer woman with the Rooster and friend.
Abby, summer is good. Has a job in a Brew Pub,
and enjoying Life.
The corn surrounding our home one month after being planted.

The Doctor and her family.
Rebecca Fiddler, Dance Recital day.
Proud father Matt with Jillian prior to the 8'th grade dance.

Kevin Fiddler, all set for the prom.
My brother, Richard Fiddler and a recent catch from Narragansett Bay.
The six original Freehand Maloneys, Mary Agnes' cousins.
L to R, Hugh, Mary, Agnes, John and Pat. That would be Joseph on the floor.
One of Mary Agnes' recently contracted T Shirt quilts.
Where in the world is JB?

As I write this very late edition of The Rooster, Jeff has put some miles on. As you know from the last edition he took a month off to travel to the Davie's in Oklahoma City. Jeff would spend a week with Sam and family, graciously have Mia accompany him to Starkville, MS to pick up Abby from MSU and travel back to Maryland. Damn if that boy isn't a brave sole.

The trip turn out uneventful, plenty of distraction for Mia and entertainment from Abby. Once in Maryland Granny Kathryn got to have her fix of Mia as did Mary Agnes and I.

Sam would arrive from OK with Anna several days prior to Kathryn's graduation. On May 20th Kathryn would walk the walk to be frocked as a Doctor of Nursing Practice. Afterwords she and Jeff threw awesome gathering at Sobos for family and friends.

Jeff and Kathy would enjoy the remainder of the week with daughter and granddaughters prior to same flying back to OKC. It was really great having them here, even though the visit was short.

Zagreb, Croatia

Jeff left for Zagreb last week and will be returning home in a few days.  The Zagreb Embassy  is located at Ulica Thomasa Jeffersona 2  10010 Zagreb, Croatia


Croatia, officially the Republic of Croatia, is a sovereign state at the crossroads of Central Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. Its capital city is Zagreb, which forms one of the country's primary subdivisions, along with it…
  • Founded: 1991
  • Population: 4.25 million (2013)
  • Calling code: 385
  • GDP: $57.87 billion USD (2013)
  • Area: 21,851 sq miles (56,594 km²)
  • Travel tip: Croatia has had a turbulent history but is establishing
  • Capital: Zagreb
  • Official language: Croatian
  • Currency: Croatian kuna
This photo, posted by Jeff on Facebook, gives testament to the fact the boy is not starving over there.

The Graduates

June has produced many graduates, these individuals are family, friends and acquaintances. They're parents and siblings, relatives and friends have wished upon them their best for their future. Most will go on to college to graduate once again after more hard work.

I remember thinking back in my day, will I ever graduate, I just want out of here. It seemed like it took forever and now as I look back, where has the time gone. To those of you who read this, savor your moments, wish not for time to hurry by, but to allow the joy of the moment to enter your eyes, ears and mind and bask in those words of family and friends who have gathered to honor you. Go forth and do great things and make yourself proud of who you've become. We love you all, you are our family, friends and the future for the country and villages in which we live.

Jeff the traveler proudly looks into the eyes of Kathryn, the Doctor.
Rachel Pollitt of Allen, MD with Uncle Frank and Aunt Sue
Mitch and Della Baird of Wilmington, NC with son Austin.

Kelly Maloney of the Freeland, PA clan with Mom and dad Hugh and  Cathy.
Ruthie Maloney of the Louisville, KY clan and family.
Adopted granddaughter Kelsey Chandler gets a big hug from Guidance Counselor Krista Brown.

Aubrey Holland of Allen with sister Kara, mom Renee and father David.
Allie O'Leary of Salisbury gets a big hug from sister Maddie.
Congratulations to Noah Sternat, flew solo and earned his wings. 1 year down, 3 2 go.

The End, off to the presses. 


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