Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014


Yes, I've changed the name a bit. Should you take the time to research where we actually live you would eventually become quite confused. It has happened to us numerous times. Eden is a rural mailing delivery  address (Zip Code 21822) that encompass' three counties, Wicomico, where we live, Somerset and Worcester counties. The Village of Allen (P.O. Box, Zip code 21810) is actually 3.5 miles to the East and is the first place we lived and had a Bed and Breakfast when we moved here 26 years ago. Our present home sits on a tract of land that many years ago was Trinity. The Trinity church cemetery is across the street from us. Our friends and neighbors, the Przybylas, live in what was the Trinity school across the street from us.  We are also referred to as Lower Trappe. If you check old maps back in the 1700's you'll find us as Lower Trappe.

When we first applied for Passports some years back we were contacted because The State Department said we put the wrong county down. They said we lived in Somerset County. It took a few back and fourths to get that straightened out, So, since we have the garden and the Bees to pollinate we shall be Eden. 

If you just search for The Rooster Crows, it will not lead you here, thus the name change. I do not want to tread on someone's moniker.

Spring is Here                 

While living on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, one learns how to identify the coming of Spring and Fall by the arrival of the Osprey.

This morning, 03-09-14 on our way home from church we noticed our first Osprey. It was flying overhead on Cooper Rd. in Eden where the power line cross the Wicomico River. It was directly over the Wojciechowski property. Chuck and Jan Wojciechowski are good friends of ours. 
They like us are transplants, they moved here from Cleveland, OH about ten years ago.

Knowing their interest and knowledge of our wildlife we called them immediately to advise of our sighting. As often as the Binoculars are up and being used in their household, we were surprised they had not already noticed this sign of spring. We were the first!

Mary Agnes and I have always used March 12 and September 12 as the arrival and departure dates for the Osprey. Purely a generality on our part.

Punxsutawney Phil, crawl back in your hole, we have the Osprey.

Where in the World is JB?

Unless something has changed, today he is in Tirana Abania.

Bees in Eden 
Gathering Pollen

Scott's Hives
The Red House

We are most fortunate to live where we do, Eden,MD. In our yard, it can truly be a Garden of Eden. One half mile to the East and one half mile to the West, we have two men who are Bee Keepers. They harvest honey and sell it locally. Their names are Scott Moore, and Harry McElhone. They market their product under the name "Red House Honey". 

Scott Moore Holding the Trophy Case with their 3'rd Place, State and County and 1'st place Lower Shore awards

The Pollination Practices
Honey and it's Medical Benefits.

Wired Magazine has a nice, HAPPY, article about Miyan women and Bees. We all need a nice story now and then, if your interested in Bees at all take a minute or to and read the article.

Requiem Aeternam

Eden,MD 03-04-2014

It is with sadness that I must report the loss of one of our Hens from the flock. When checking on the flock mid morning one of the girls was found dead, we presume frozen to death. It was 12 deg. overnight and she was found behind a cinder block under the roosting box. We suspect she was out at lock up time and we just missed her huddled up and out of sight. We have several that are stragglers and often have to Shoo them in. We are now down to 13 hens. I've got to say, "She was such a good Egg". Memorial donations may be made in her memory to PETA. 

A sign of the times.

Abby Berthiaume

Congratulations to our granddaughter Abby Berthiume who recieved  an Academic B at the recent Academic Awards night at James M. Bennett High School. We're quite proud of you and the person you've grown to become. Rock and Roll at MSU Abby.

Mia Davies
Well my Oregon correspondent must have had a busy week, we haven't received an update on the Davie's family adventures with Mia.

TILoL(Things I Like on Line)   Founded by Andrew Breitbart, a conservative writer and publisher. Andrew died in March of 2012 and his beat marches on. I'm sure those of a more liberal outlook will not read this, but then thanks to this being the USA, we can disagree and still live together and be friends. 

8 pronunciation errors that made the English language what it is today

Aggie Culp, a good friend and resident of the Village of Allen shared this on Face Book recently. If your into Reading and Writing and such, it's a good read. Thanks for sharing Aggie.

To all of you out there in Readership Land, I bid you farewell for this Edition.  Be Safe, Be Kind and Semper Fi.

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