Tuesday, December 24, 2013

This is the season to be thankful

To my many friends from the best department in the U.S. of A. thanks for always having each other's back.

To all our friends and family that we left back in CT 25 years ago, thank you for your Love and Support over many years in raising our family.

To my Son in-law El Jefe for a wonderful journey to Bavaria last February.
To the State of Maine for it's beautiful coast and many great vacations for our family over the years.

To MCAS  Iwakuni, Japan for providing my home for the first Christmas away from Mary Agnes and Kathy many years ago.
To Uncle Bobby and Aunt Barbara for providing many beautiful places we never would have visited.SedonaAZ being one place and it's Rt.89 to Flagstaff that I'll never forget.
Thanks South Dakota for Fog and Snow in May, so we never got see Rushmore or Crazy Horse.

To West Point, Annapolis and Colorado Springs for providing so many great leaders, yesterday, today and Tomorrow.

To Arlington National Cemetery's Occupants for the sacrifice they have made for us and our freedoms.
To Germany for all the Nut Crackers you provide for this festive season.

To Key West just for being there.

To Alaska and it's beauty, the last frontier.

To MCRD  Parris Island, SC, for it's part in molding the person I am today.

Boaters Row, Philadelphia, thanks Granny Wittman for all the years we saw it while I was a wee tike.
NYC, thanks for what you offer, especially at Christmas
Thanks to Maggie for being such a loyal companion.

To the Village of Allen, MD and all our friends, for accepting the invaders from the North 25 years ago. We have always felt at home and now have sand, firmly between our toes.
To Ireland and the Genes that are carried from my wife to our children. Did I mention Guinness?
One of the most beautiful places at Christmas.

And finally, Thank You to my wife of 48 years for a wonderful life with three fantastic children, nine grand children, one great grandchild, one son in-law,  one daughter in-law and one Cowboy.

Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Mankind.

Merry Christmas !

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